Tuesday, August 17, 2010

ItemProperties And Random Materials

In the latest revision there are no limits to what any item can be made of. If there were swords there is a chance they could be made of grass. In the case of the current version, I've run into grass made of wood. This means it h as the burning properties of wood, but it's actually the grass item. This led to some confusing scenarios while debugging, but then I realized I hadn't implemented constraints yet.

Items now have ItemProperties which are kept in the Item class. These properties will include burnable, weapon, armor, shield, etc and can contain any combination. For now I only have burnable implemented.

While I have no real playable version yet, it is still possible to build the source and test it yourself. There's not much point in me compiling on Linux, archiving, and uploading a file that doesn't really show much except some funny fire mechanics and grass made of wood or leaves and walls/floors made of grass.

Shifting focus to features that make gameplay possible may be a good idea.

Also, changes are currently being made in the /rewrite directory.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Platform Change And Other Random Notes

I'm primarily developing on a Windows Vista system now rather than Ubuntu. This means that my primary focus will be on Windows, but Ubuntu is available inside a virtual box easily enough. I should still be able to provide Linux builds.

Towns - I plan on making multiple towns with different populations, industries, and etc depending on geographic location. However, for the sake of early simplicity (and I haven't wrote up world generation yet), towns will have items that come from every location. In a short while I'll write constraints for areas on which materials can be found.

NPCs - I want the NPCs in Stone and Steel to have some flavor. I'll have a basic scheduling system for the AI to hunt/fish, eat, sleep, and whatever else their daily lives may require. I think I'll write the schedule instructions in a moddable file, but hardcode to whom the schedule is given. That way villages don't end up with 100% butchers and no hunters, for example. As for conversations, there's not an easy way to make things not generic in a completely random world. I'll be trying to make every topic discuss-able though.

Raids - Raids on towns would be a neat feature. Raids would be composed of creatures in nearby environs that are allied together, or at least not enemies, and enemies with the town. A basic faction system will be in place very soon, but it won't do much good, other than determining enemies to the player, until neat features like this are implemented.

Constrained Random Generation - As much as I want the game to be completely random, there would be some things that are just out of place for the environment. I'll be using some sort of constraint system when generating items for an area to keep a strong sense of setting and structure.

As always, feel free to comment/critique the ideas. My current focus is on towns and NPC interaction. This may shift back towards combat soon enough. Also, I'm adding a TODO page for this blog.


Stone and Steel now has burnable objects and fire! I'll be adding a file loader soon so that burnable items may be easily added instead of coding it in. Fire spreads, but doesn't really do much other than that. You can't burn down buildings or anything fun yet, and it needs a bit of tweaking. Everything starts somewhere, I suppose. The fire was more of a test for the new ETileType usage, but I'll be keeping it in since I like it so much.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Town Generation

So far the rewrite has gone well. I've even added a few things such as the background for town generation and openable items. These could be implemented better, but they do the job for now. Most of the code is nicer now though; it's much less difficult to fix things.

A screenshot of a randomly generated town.

My priority list has changed a bit, and I'm shifting away from a demo release soon. I'm currently more interested in working on the generation of everything, so I'm taking advantage of it and getting things done.

- Add multi-room buildings to towns.
- Add furniture for dungeons and towns
- Add inhabitants to towns
- Refine dungeon and town generation
- Design some sort of history/general lore than can be procedurally generated much later and used in the game now